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presently approached again carrying three GREen leaves in its mouth. Then it took the three pieces of the snake, put them together the

approached women seeking part-time work and offered them payment in return for nude photographs, Yonhap said. He then allegedly

a p p r o a c h e d w o m e n s e e k i n g p a r t - t i m e w o r k a n d o f f e r e d t h e m p a y m e n t i n r e t u r n f o r n u d e p h o t o g r a p h s , Y o n h a p s a i d . H e t h e n a l l e g e d l y . . .

she approached her recovery with relentless determination. 在14岁时,德米面临了一次严重的挑战,一次啦啦操意外事故使她暂时瘫痪

As I approached the spot I was aware of voices, some remark in the 赫伯特:你是说柔丝?她哪是什么“我的”花.唐:她就快是了,


遗漏/添加介词 有些介词在英语中必不可少,但在汉语中可以省略,在这种情况下我们会很容易出现介词遗漏问题搭配错误 英语介词短语的搭配通常都是固定的,不能随意变动,但很多人经常将相近的介词短语混淆,由此带来了很多搭配问题过多使用动词,而不是介词 英语中介词除了表示位置关系之外,有些还带有动词含义,但这一点经常被人忽略,这导致不少人写英文时会更多使用动词

He approached the scene and, upon discovering that the individuals involved were relatives with an ongoing financial dispute, attempted

a cigar will likely be approached several times by people offering deep discounts on cigars, particularly Cohibas and Montecristos.

he finally approached his publisher with the idea of finishing Arare with a determined attitude. 可面对如此大的摇钱树,出版社怎能轻易


approached the life support machine. "No, no, please," I sobbed, "just a little while longer. ' But my pleading didn't help. They woke

这个“PED XING”是什么意思呢?“PED XING”是“Pedestrian green as we approached the junction.我们接近十字路口时,交通

版权免责声明 1、本文标题:《approached是什么意思呢,approached是什么意思中文翻译》